Category: Azure

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Custom Connector Extending your Power Apps using Azure Function and OpenAPI Part One

Custom Connector: Extending your Power Apps using Azure Function and OpenAPI – Part One

As I am a big fan of Azure services and in particular Azure Functions, I recently focused my attention on the possibility to create a custom connector from an Azure service. Indeed, the field of possibilities becomes unlimited once you are able to add an abstraction layer between two services with a custom connector to...

Analyzing your Dataverse environment using Application Insights

Analyzing your Dataverse environment using Application Insights

Why monitoring is important for your environnement? What is included in this telemetry? Application Insight basics What about Dataverse analytics data? Telemetry type Application insight table name Unified Interface page loads pageViews Unified Interface outbound network requests Dependency Dataverse API incoming calls Request Plug-in executions Dependency SDK executions (Retrieve, RetrieveMultiple, FetchXML transformation, and so on) Dependency Exceptions during...

Extending Common Data Service using Azure Function - Part 1

Extending Common Data Service using Azure Function – Part 1: Introduction

What is an Azure Function? Serverless Azure Function Benefits When to use an Azure Function ? Creating an Azure Function from Azure Portal Configure your Visual Studio based on your previously created Azure Function 1. Create a new project from Visual Studio by selecting Azure Function template. 2. Specify the name of the project and...